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Dear Sirs!

"PROMSAT" Company offers you new effective solutions in field of development and production of automation systems and apparatus for various industry branches.

We are a supplier of high-quality hardware and software components for checking, monitoring and controlling systems:

  • Process Control Systems (PCSs);
  • Programming and engineering complexes for PCSs;
  • Industrial automation equipment (sensors, signal conditioning modules, input/output devices, PLC-controllers, protected monitors and computers, industrial networks);
  • SCADA systems, programming aids of PLC-controllers, operational systems and real-time data bases.

We have all the requisites to solve any problems in field of complex automatization of industrial enterprises, namely:

  • Own manufacturing base;
  • Software engineering center;
  • Professional team (with over five-year experience), including designers and developers of electronic equipment and experts in field of informational technologies;
  • The leading suppliers of components;
  • Service center.

Our engineering and programming solutions are successfully implemented and used in the following enterprises of Ukraine: Public Corporation "Sumy Machinery Scientific-and-Production Corporation of M.B.Frunze", Public Corporation "Mariupol Metallurgical Combine of Illicha", Public Corporation "Zaporodgstal", Public Corporation "Krivorodgstal", Public Corporation "Ukrgazdobycha", Public Corporation "Kiev Carton & Paper Combine", Public Corporation "Dneprogydroenergo", Public Corporation "Nikopol Ferroalloy Plant", Public Corporation "Udgnyi Machinery Plant ", Public Corporation "Motor Sich", Public Corporation "Irshan Mine-Concentrating Combine", Incorporated Enterprise "Titan", Public Corporation "Galakton", Incorporated Enterprise "Obolon", Incorporated Enterprise "Tetra-Pack Ukraine", Public Corporation "Kirovograd Proportioning Automatic Machine Plant ", Darnitcky Concrete Product Plant, Slobodgansky Construction Material Combine, Dnepropetrovsk Master- Concrete Product Plant, Bucha Glass-Work, Brick-making Plant "FAGOT" etc.

Our equipment and devices work at many enterprises of Moldova, Estonia, Turkmenistan, USA and Israel.