Our address:
Of. 318, Shutova street, 9A, Kiev, 03113, Ukraine
How can you find us ?
You can go by metro up to Beresteyskaya Station, then go by any trolleybus for one stop or walk (in Shulavska direction) up to crossover by Shutova Street. Please, move along Shutova Street and enter into building 9 from the last porch. At the hall you may phone us by extension number: 18-95.
+38 (044) 456-95-82,
+38 (044) 456-95-87
info@promsat.com | - Common address. |
sales@promsat.com | - Sales Department. |
tech@promsat.com | - Technical support. |
web@promsat.com | - WEB Master. |
You can get on-line consultation phoned by one from ICQ numbers as below stated